- It's also about the LIES that take us to war and keep them going beyond reason. No one should have to die for a lie. That includes American soldiers, Vietnamese or Iraqis.
I wonder how many Americans would have supported the invasion of Iraq if Bush had just said, "Listen people. We don't have enough oil in this country to keep us going for much more than a few months or a year. Now we are perfectly happy to buy oil from Iraq and the other Middle East countries, but they keep asking a really high price and that price keeps going higher. So, we can either pay what they ask, which means that the price of just about everything is going to go sky high, or we can spend a bunch of money now, go in and take over their oil fields, and keep the prices low in this country for the rest of your lives and probably your children's lives too. Of course me and my buddies in the oil business will be getting the billions that the sheiks are getting now, but while you guys in the street won't get rich, you won't be any worse off than you are now."
I wonder how many Americans would fight to maintain the style of living to which they have become accustomed. I'm feeling pessimistic, I guess, but I really think that there are a lot of Americans who feel that two SUVs and a TV in every room of their single family home is their right just because they are Americans and to hell with the rest of the world. I say that because I've heard some people insist that they shouldn't have to pay for someone else's medical care and that if the someone elses haven't saved enough to pay for their own over their lifetime it's their problem, not the speaker's.
I also think that somehow these people have to be convinced that when one of us goes down it only brings each of us closer to the time when we will also go down.