It's amazing that "liberal" has been turned into such a dirty word while the media and its pundits have no problem with "neo-conservatives," casually referring to them as "Neo-cons" without any compulsion to actually tell the American people what Neo-Conservatives actually believe. It's disgraceful.
We must aggressively label the current administration as the dangerous, decidedly un-American Neo-Conservatives they are and back it up with what that means. I have to believe that most people would be aghast at what these criminals believe - and people would be inclined to rethink any positive opinions of Bush & co. that they may still have.
I posted GREAT excerpts about the despicable truth about what neo-conservatives actually believe, followed by a little bit about the right-wing's pro-Nazi/fascist origins (that you can print out to read, get sick over, then pass along), and posted them in the "Editorials and Other Articles" forum at: excerpts come from "Fascist Fantasy," which provides about 20 pages of riveting US history, located at Kerouac