It's been a long time coming. For years, Virginia has been strangled by reTHUGlican strongholds. Recently, we voted in a Democratic Governor, and that was the beginning. Yesterday at the polls, the Democratic Party took back the South. Strong, vibrant, glorious and very fragile, there she was:
the Democratic Party in Virginia. My local polling place, the Beatley Library in Alexandria Virginia opened at 6 AM. I was there, greeting the early morning voters, who stopped on their way to work. I handed out brochures and asked them to vote for my favorite candidate.
This is the first campaign that I have ever volunteered for.
And it gave me great hope, that bush* MIGHT be defeated in November, if we all STAND UP and volunteer our time, our money, and our efforts. I saw it all at the Library. The workers of America against bush*. Coming to the polls in their business suites, police uniforms, city worker uniforms, postal uniforms, nurses uniforms. These people were STANDING UP to the shrub. Some cursed bush* as they gave me the 'thumbs up' sign.
There were Black Americans, Irish Americans, Catholic Americans, Middle-Eastern Americans, Hispanic, Italian Americans, and more. It was the face of the Democratic Party, WE THE PEOPLE, the 'simmering majority'.
One senior arrived in a cab. She greeted me with "F*ck bush*", which shocked me. A group of Iranian-Americans arrived in a mini-van. They told me how horrified they were about bush* 'perpetual war' program. Veterans arrived, wearing their military caps and medals. Some told me that they were reTHUGlicans, but they wanted to vote for my candidate, the Decorated Vietnam War Veteran. One Veteran arrived in a pick-up truck with a 'confederate flag' license plate. He said that he'd had enough of the bush*.
My Democratic Congressional Representative, Jim Moran, arrived in a old beater Mercedes (how Democratic can you get?!!!). Jim brought coffee and pastries for all the poll workers. Earlier, the Alexandria Democratic Committee Representative arrived. She also brought coffee and patries, donated from my local minority-owned backery. Everyone agreed, that to WIN the WHITE HOUSE, many more people will need to STAND UP and help. If you live in Alexandria Virginia, please join our fledgling committee, the Alexandria Democratic Committee. WE need your help to DEFEAT bush*...
Call (703) 549-3367 or visit Democracy happens only when people join together and STAND UP and demand it. Yesterday, only 13,583 citizens voted in Alexandria Virginia. I did not see a single YOUNG draft-age person come to vote from 6 AM until 10 AM. Just before I left, a group of YOUNG people arrived. They told me that they were draft-aged. However, they had NOT come to vote, they came to use the computers at the library. They were adamant in their stand NOT to vote at all. If every YOUNG person came to vote, and brought five friends to vote, bush* would be gone.