Fellow-DUers: I do not mean to be disrespectful. I am a Dean supporter, but would definitely support Kerrey wholeheartedly if he were selected as the nominee. I do not, however, want John Edwards to be his running mate. The most important issues in the campaign, in my opinion, in addition to the Iraq-quagmire, are constitutional and civil rights' preservation/restoration. You see, I'm about to complete law school. It is clear from our case law, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and pre-Constitution historical documents that our founding fathers did not intend for any but the most narrow exceptions to the requirements for a search warrant, if any. The Courts fashioned very narrow exceptions to the Knock-and-announce Rule, for example. It was pure urination on the Bill of Rights or the spirit of such to expand the warrantless search exceptions needlessly. Also, Mr. Edwards' support of civil rights for gays is very, very weak...he grudgingly stated he supported domestic partnership benefits. The Democratic Candidate must emphatically not support further desecration of our Constitution and Bill of Rights by using the Constitution to deny a fundamental right. I fear if Edwards is the running mate, my choices will be between Bush and Bush-lite, and I will have to explain to my seven-year-old daughter that the U.S. does not fight for the fundamental rights of its people, as it did when I came of age. This paragraph is not meant to be mean-spirited. Comments?