the original thread, as usual, is dropping like a rock. so, FWIW:">Will FEAR Work Again? (Bush to speak on WMD/nukes)HATE, FEAR and IGNORANCE, the real Bush Trifecta, is about to be trotted out yet again.
Having failed at everything he’s touched he has nothing left but to terrify and distract. He’ll be getting plenty of help from the corporate media.
The cable whores will (reluctantly) divert their attention from MichaelMarthaScottPetersonStewertJackson to pander to images of armageddon in your own back yard.
And then something scary will happen.
No, I don’t believe another actual attack. Failing to protect the homeland against WMD or a terrorist event would be fatal to the bushies–unless it facilitated marshall law.
What they need is a domestic success in the “War on Terror” so watch for an attack being prevented by the bushies ‘superior intelligence’ and steely resolve. Manufacturing one would be child’s play.
The people will respond with renewed FEAR (which had been lessened to near apathy by the sequence of ‘chicken little’ alerts, duct tape, and the ridiculous color codes).
Their HATE will be re-focused on the terrorists (which will be loosely defined as anyone who doesn’t do what the US tells them to do) and on those that would impede or question the “War on Terror” (that would be the Dems).
And, with the help of corporate media, continued IGNORANCE will be assured for the masses who do not or cannot (like working three jobs to survive) seek the Truth.
I hope I’m wrong.