Give it to them. -> At the bottom of the page is a poll on whether you personally object to Kerry
beating his wife dissing the Chimp's National Guard service.
A helpful hint (boy, those RNC guys are stupid):
If you use Mozilla, use the Cookie Manager to set up your own ballot-stuffing machine thus:
1. click Tools/Cookie Manager/Manage Stored Cookies.
2. Scroll down the list to find the offending cookies (in this case, the ones from
3. Click on them, holding down the Ctrl key to select multiples.
4. Click the checkbox that says "do not allow sites that set removed cookies to set future cookies."
5. Click "Remove Cookie" to get rid of the offending cookie.
Now you can de-FReep by clicking the Reload button and OK in the alert box that tells you about POSTDATA (which you want - that holds your vote data).