You want a society in which abortions are kept to a minimum, and usually only occur in instances of rape, incest, or protecting the mother's health?
Then fucking act like it, God damn it!!!!!
First, teach abstinence all you want. But it doesn't mean a damned thing unless you also teach kids about proper birth control. Just telling kids not to have sex is no good. Eventually, they will have sex, and they will need to know about proper birth control. Otherwise, there will be scores of unplanned pregnancies.
Second, how about some health care coverage for single or impoverished mothers? Why not take care of the mother and the child once the child is born, if we care about the rights of the fetus so much? A large contributing factor in abortions comes from when the mother realizes she has no way to take care of the child, and can not afford any medical expenses which she might incur.
Third, stop condemning single mothers to the seventh circle of hell. This pisses me off more than anything in the abortion issue. So-called Christians will be with you right up until your delivery if you are pregnant and considering an abortion. They will comfort you, help you, and do everything to make sure you see the pregnancy to term. But once you have a child, they spit on you, call you a whore, and tell you that you and your child are what is wrong with todays society. It is just wrong to encourage a woman to have her child but then cast her aside and slander her once she has had the child.
Fourth, how about a better funded, better run, better managed welfare system. If the religious right cares so much about the rights of a fetus, why doesn't it at the very least extend that same level of concern to the well being of the child once it is born? Also, why not take measures to ensure that the child can get a shot at a decent education?
Finally, what is worse. Having abortion legal and widely available, but safe and clean? Or having abortion illegal in all cases and having women seeking out abortions in back alleys and at home from unlicensed individuals with unclean medical equipment?
The problem, however, is the same problem that comes up in every single stance taken by the right wing of this country. They don't want to think about the complexities of issues. They only want to let their sense of self-righteousness and skewed morality to let them set issues. They lack the ability and desire to analyze problems and think critically.