WOODRUFF: In a sure sign that the opposition research units are up and running in this presidential race, a photo featuring both John Kerry and Jane Fonda has recently surfaced. The snapshot saws Fonda at an anti-Vietnam War rally back in 1970. Kerry can be seen sitting several rows behind the actress.
Fonda told CNN earlier today when she stopped by for an interview that she had little contact with Kerry at that event.
JANE FONDA, ACTRESS/ACTIVIST: The American people have had it with the big lie. Any attempts to Kerry to me and make him look bad with that connection is completely false. We were at a rally for veterans at the same time. I spoke, Donald Sutherland spoke, John Kerry spoke at the end. I don't even think we shook hands.
And they're also saying this organization, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, was a communist organization. This was an organization of men who risked their lives in Vietnam, who consider themselves totally patriotic. And anyone who slams that organization, and slams Kerry for being part of it, is doing an injustice to veterans.
How can you impugn, how can you even suggest that a Vietnam veteran like Kerry or any of them were -- are not patriotic? He was a hero there.
And this is the kind of big lie that's coming out of this current administration that I think the American people are sick of. And I don't think it's going to work.
WOODRUFF: Actress Jane Fonda commenting just a short time ago on that photograph that surfaced in the last couple of days showing her and John Kerry at an anti-Vietnam War rally back in 1970.