Is it the collective wisdom and general goodness of people you love? Is it the ideals embodied in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? Perhaps it's the direction we claim to have taken the planet over the last 200+ years.
I recently sat down and attempted to examine my own feelings about this country and discovered that for almost every good deed, noble heart, enlightened law, there are far more cruel acts, selfish hearts, and blatant disregard for our founding principles.
We live in horrifically dark times. The evil abroad in the land is utterly breathtaking to me. Even more disheartening is the complacency of the citizenry in the face of that darkness. For every Marshall Plan there's a stronger and more pervasive Jim Crow mindset. For every sublime act of selflessness that stirs the soul there's a hundred acts of cruelty and selfishness. The entire federal government is guilty of such cruelty and selfishness in its treatment of people here in this country and even more so abroad.
What exactly DO you love about America?
Is it the words in the founding documents that you love. Do they give you a chill, make you catch your breath? What's practiced as democracy is a pale imitation of the intent of those words. Has it ever been less than a pale imitation? What have the words ever done to prevent the current march toward facism?
Is it the collective wisdom of the people that inspires you? These are the same people that enabled McKinley, Coolidge, Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder and Bush the lesser. Each time a progressive government stumbles to the finish line the collective will of the people fuck it up. The collective will of the people enabled slavery, enabled the genocide of the Native Americans, enabled southern aparthid, enabled Vietnam, enabled the murder of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, enabled the Religious Right, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Oreilly, and on and on and on. Is it really the collective will of the people you love so?
Perhaps it's all the good in the world we've engendered. We did stop facism in WWII. We also birthed the UN. Balance that against the abject evil and cruelty of Vietnam, the Spanish American War, the slave trade, the nuking of Japan, the pretense of ignorance of the Holocaust, and on and on and on.
In dark times like the present the collective acts, voice, and hearts of "We the People" reveal their true character. I submit that the collective shrug that enables the selfishness and cruelty of the Bush administration is far more of a distillation of the "American Spirit" than all of the sporatic acts of goodness put together. I've discovered that America is a myth and a flimsey one at that. The ideals of the founders have revealed themselves as a pipe dream, the dissipated heat from a fire that's long since burned out, the whisps of smoke that have disappeared on the winds of 2 centuries of selfishness and cruelty.