He was outed a few years ago. Although his mother is rabidly anti-gay, he is the lawyer for her organizaiton the "Eagle Forum". Go figure.
"Outing is also used to embarrass or harass lesbigays and their families. Again, both lesbigay activists and their homophobic opponents have used outing for this purpose. Lesbigays generally tend to use outing against people we perceive as being “traitors,” people who reap the benefits of the gay rights movement, but either do not support it or actively oppose it. The lesbigay community has also used outing to embarrass homophobic public figures who happen to have lesbigay children. The son of rabidly-conservative homophobe Phyllis Schlafly is a case in point. When John Schlafly started turning up at gay bars, the lesbigay press quickly outed him, much to the embarrassment of his mother. Another case in point is Mary Cheney, daughter of “rock solid conservative” Vice President Dick Cheney, whose lesbianism was widely publicized by the gay presses during the 2000 election."