http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/14/politics/14BUSH.html"The announcement that Mr. Bush would appear before the 9/11 commission came less than a half-hour later, shortly before 7 p.m., in a short statement e-mailed to reporters by the White House. In it, the White House said Mr.
Bush had agreed to a request for a private meeting with the commission, which is led by Thomas H. Kean, a former Republican governor of New Jersey.
"It was unclear how much of Mr. Bush's testimony would eventually be made public in a commission report. But commission officials said that
much of the testimony might have to remain secret because it would almost certainly deal with highly classified intelligence matters. ..."
""The commission is delighted that the president has responded favorable to the invitation to appear at a private session," said Al Felzenberg, the panel's spokesman. "There will now be meetings between the commission staff and White House aides about time and place and format.""