As you probably know, Berlusconi and "the Economist" have fought a media battle for some time now. The Economists feels, that Berlusconi is unfit to rule a Nation, let alone Europe; while Berlusconi feels that he should be awarded a medal.
I know many dislike "the Economist", as it sided with the war crowd; however I found this new Berlusconi dossier very readable. 30th 2003
Dear Mr Berlusconi,
I am writing to you to pose questions that I believe the public has a right to hear the answers to. As this can no longer occur through the Italian courts, such questions should be posed and answered in public.
On June 18th, the Italian parliament approved a bill to grant immunity from criminal trials to the holders of the five highest offices of state, including the president and prime minister. It is now a law. The law applies even if a trial started before the office-holder was elected. The new law’s most immediate effect is that the one remaining criminal trial in which you are involved —the SME case, in which you are accused of bribing judges—has been suspended until you are no longer prime minister. Even then, the trial will start again only if you were not elected to one of the other offices that benefits from the immunity. But the law is being challenged in the constitutional court.