Wissam Ali, age seven, is given a drink of water by an Iraqi policeman at a hospital in Hillah, Iraq after he was injured when two explosives-laden trucks were detonated outside a Polish military camp in Hillah, killing both his parents, south of Baghdad Wednesday Feb. 18, 2004.

Wissam Ali, right, aged 7, and his sister Gezek, 6 months old, are treated at a hospital in Hillah, Iraq.

Pvt. Bryan Nicholas Spry is shown in this undated photo provided by his family. Spry, who entered the Army three weeks after graduating in June, 2003, from Kent County (Md.) High, died while serving in Iraq, the military announced Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004, in a news release. Spry was killed Friday, Feb. 13, 2004, when his vehicle rolled into a water-filled ditch.

John Kelley, of South Kinstown, R.I., right, with his wife Jane Kelley are shown in an undated photo released by family. John Kelley, a pastor at the Curtis Corner Baptist Church in South Kingston, R.I., was killed in Iraq, Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004, after gunmen ambushed a car in which Kelley and others were passengers. Three other ministers in the car were injured.

Two Iraqi policemen lie in hospital beds in Fallujah, Iraq, both wounded when guerrillas launched an assault on an Iraqi police station and security compound Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 freeing prisoners and sparking a gunbattle that killed 21 people and wounded 33, hopsital officials said.

Iraqi men search among bodies on the ground for the body of a loved one killed in Wednesday's car bomb attack outside an army recruitment station in Baghdad, at a hospital morgue on Thursday Feb. 12, 2004. Two car bombings in the capital and Iskandariyah, just south of Baghdad, has claimed more than 100 lives, mostly Iraqis trying to find work for the US forces in Iraq .

President Bush smiles as he has lunch with members of the National Guard's 39th Enhanced Separate Brigade combat team, as he has lunch with them at Fort Polk, La., Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004. The unit ships out to Iraq in two or three weeks. Its members are from 10 states, mostly Arkansas.