No one cares that we were lied to about Iraq being a threat the the US and its neighbors.
No one cares that Iraq had no connections with Al Queda or any real terrorist training camps harbored within and supported by the government.
HOW do you tell people that they wouldn't have backed an invasion of Iraq if Bush hadn't have told them that he was an imminent threat?
Its the truth, for most of us. I know for a fact that no one wanted to go dispose of Saddam with force back when Clinton was president. No one thought so when Bush was president, until he lied to us about Saddam being a threat.
Personally, I know Saddam is a rat bastard. No one can disagree. I wanted to get rid of Saddam a while ago. The worst part of this evil is how does one go about it? Obviously we've dropped the ball in Iraqi reconstruction so far. Or have we? Yes, I do think the US failed in thinking seriously about what happens after we took over Baghdad. HOWEVER, it doesn't help *our* situation when we're surrounded by locals who don't want us occupying them at all. I don't blame them. We could have handled this better.
Would a mere assassination do the job for us? Maybe, but then his sons may or may not have been in power.
Yes, I rambled off. But no one cares.
Do you want to hear the unadulterated truth? You already know it, but let me repeat it: NO ONE GAVE A FLYING F*** ABOUT IRAQI FREEDOM BEFORE OUR TANKS CROSSED THE BORDER. Maybe you or I did, but that's not who we're talking about. No one cared about a free Iraqi people. Bush only used it as an anecdote to support an invasion. The real reason he gave us is that he's a threat.
So, how do we convince someone of something they thought before? No one wanted to go through the trouble of removing Saddam through power until we were lied to about his threat to us.