--our local coulter wannabe. probably one of the most intellectually dishonest, fallacy-ridden columnists that i've ever read. working on a rebuttal letter to the ed. any suggestions?
http://dailymail.com/news/Don+Surber-20030801/Don Surber
August 01 2003
The Whigs of the 21st century
Democrats are exploding,but colorfully so
Don Surber <donsurber@dailymail.com>
Daily Mail columnist
Zogby International released a national poll this week showing that 69 percent of voters believe Dubya will be re-elected.
That was just among the Democrats and independents.
Astronomers get excited about the supernova, when the last lights of a dead star finally reach the Earth. We could be witnessing political science's equivalent, the death of a major political party
The last one to die was the Whig Party back in the 1850s.
The Whigs learned the hard way that a political party, like a nation, cannot survive half free and half slave.
The parallels are eerie.
if anyone feels bored, you can join in the fun,