would a nationaly syndicated Lib talk show, if it was a True Lib
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:01 PM
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would a nationaly syndicated Lib talk show, if it was a True Lib |
Edited on Fri Aug-01-03 05:07 PM by pstokely
and Crap Channel didn't control the airwaves, get as big of ratings as Limpbaugh? would freepers and dittobots listen?
Joe the Revelator
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:03 PM
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the only "liberal" ( and i use to term lightly) show in my market ( Norfolk, VA) is Alan Combs show. The only people who seem to call are repukes and freepers.So in short yeah i think they'd listen, if only for the sole purpose of "freeping" the show
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:53 PM
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FOX News has him in most of the large national markets, and so far he's done a great job. But for some reason posters on here shill him as some helpless soul who never challenges the right, which simply isn't true.
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:04 PM
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Liberals, while numerically superior to conservatives, wouldn't tune in since they don't need others to think for them.
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:08 PM
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Mike Malloy's ratings are higher than the winger he replaced in most markets. He was still pulled. "Free market" my ass.
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:10 PM
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4. Yup. Profit orientation = GOP advertisers. nt |
Edited on Fri Aug-01-03 05:10 PM by poskonig
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:43 PM
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There are several regional Liberal hosts that get great ratings.
And while Liberals probably don't tune into talk radio as much as cons, many still do, AND the Apa-Opinion types (Independants) are still a huge percentage of the population and they listen too.
So yes.
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:44 PM
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most don't have the sort of jobs that allow them to listen or call in.
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Fri Aug-01-03 05:50 PM
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No one else could compete nationally except for her.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:11 AM
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