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Another teeterer.

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Tandalayo_Scheisskopf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-02-03 12:34 AM
Original message
Another teeterer.
Bob is my friend. The best friend I have, and possibly have ever had. A big man, with a heart that dwarfs his size. Generosity personified, he has been steadfast, always there for me in these difficult times I am facing, presently, and have been facing for far too long. "True friends walk in when others are walking out" just scratches the surface of Bob.

Bob is also quite the conservative. Hoo boyee. Listens to Bob Grant and agrees. The horror. The horror.

At the start of the war in Iraq, he and I had some rather animated conversations. Him for, me well against. I predicted some things. Most, if not all, regarding the whys and wherefores of getting into this war came true. Tonight, Bob admitted that.

Furthermore, Bob admitted that he is livid with Chimpy, for his fiscal non-discipline. When I told him that he turned a 2 trillion dollar surplus, over 10 years, into a 3 trillion dollar deficit over the same period, for an effective squandering of 5 trillion dollars, he went very dark. We discussed the employment situation, too. He was out of work for a while.

He said tonight that he really hopes the dems field some candidates he could vote for. He won't be voting for Chimpy.

We talked about LIHOP, MIHOP and some little something involving Kosovo, too. We discussed the energy task force and the maps of the oil fields. We discussed the 28 missing pages and the content therein. We discussed the Anthrax Killer, and the lack of progress.

Back in march, Chimpy had no more stalwart supporter than Bob. Tonight, I can say, with assuredness, that he no longer does.

How many more are there like him out there?

So many more, I expect. So many more. They will soon be legion.
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Dob Bole Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-02-03 12:39 AM
Response to Original message
1. At least one...
I was once a moderate Republican. Bush has transformed me into a lifelong Democrat. So don't fool yourself. Bush is great for the left.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-02-03 03:14 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Welcome to the Big Top
I think it's more of a circus than a tent, but hey, that's what you get when you include everybody I guess!!! Never a dull moment, that's for sure!
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