Dean is a common sense candidate. That's what I like best about him. He is for the most effective ways to achieve what is best for the most people and the country and the planet overall.
He is for reestablishing the common sense kind of community that government is supposed to facilitate - "to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity...."
The debate isn't between "liberal" and "conservative" philosophies anymore, because those terms have been so muddied that they really don't mean what they used to. The neocons are not the same as old-time conservatives and neoliberalism is anathema to old-time liberals. Besides that, we have anarchists, right-wing fundies, PNAC imperialists, and militia-minded isolationists all thrown into the mix to confuse matters further. None of these entities are really at the heart of the matter at this point.
Dean, I believe, is the man who is trying to reestablish our constitutional government in its best and most noble form, "of the People, by the People, and for the People" - and he means it for all the People, not just the favored few. I can almost see how his mind works at evaluating each issue, weighing the risks and the benefits, just as his scientific medical training prepared him to evaluate the risks and benefits of therapies on a case-by-case basis.
The cardinal rule in medicine is, "First, do no harm." Everything else follows. I believe Dean is applying this rule as best he can to our nation's critical illness at this time.
Dr. Dean is the one we need and he has my full support. The GOP would do well to squirm in fear and the DLC in shame.