Florida you can mark Republican. Even if the candidate is Saddam Hussein, with Osama bin Laden as VP.
Voting machines, gang.
About twenty percent of the votes are now on electronic voting machines. More are phasing in by the month.
Before you lift one yard sign or debate one presidential candidate with your friends, HOUND Congress to institute a check system on those voting machines. Voter verified paper trail. Sounds boring. But, it could help us get our democracy back.
If our votes count honestly, I double-dog guarantee you we will start electing some great candidates.
Here's the legislation.
http://holt.house.gov/display2.cfm?id=1071&type=HomeEvery time you are anywhere near ANY elected official, HOUND them about this. Ask them to take a stand.
Make sure they are aware of it, and that unless we have a check system with paper ballots accompanying the electronic ones, the whole thing is NOT transparent, NOT trustworthy, and NOT worthy of resting our democracy on. (Rice University specialist in security Dan Wallach calls the software he inspected, apparently used by Diebold, "amazingly and astonishly wrong." His colleages at Johns Hopkins said a smart teen with $100 worth of equipment could make unlimited numbers of fake voting cards -- called "smart cards, equalling votes, as they wanted to.
"We found some stunning, stunning flaws," said Aviel D. Rubin, technical director of the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University, who led a team that examined the software from Diebold Election Systems, which has about 33,000 voting machines operating in the United States. -- NY Times,
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/24/technology/24VOTE.html?pagewanted=print&position= )
If what's going on with these voting systems is what I BELIEVE is going on, it's the biggest scandal of my lifetime.