I know there are alot of disillusioned democrats out there that are angry. But what I don't understand is the notion that the office of the presidency is all omnipotent.
Kucinich or Sharptom is in office tommorrow. How EFFECTIVE of a president is either one going to be? At the end of the day, he is still going to have to work with the rethugs in washington who control the house. Just because we won the presidency doesn't mean we OWN the playground.
That is why change comes in small doses. We are a nation of instant gratification. Unfortunately, the bigger the change, the longer it takes--short of a civil war on the streets, god forbid. Patience wins the race. And a slightly better attention span wouldn't hurt.
Ask Clinton. He had the same problem. Came in bright eyed, and bushy tailed with his ideals. Got nowhere and became more moderate. Did all the shit of politics go away? No. But damn if the budget wasn't balanced and the deficit managed. So, what can we thank Clinton for? I've got several billion reasons we should be sending a shout out to ol Bill. While the idealism of Kucinich and Sharpton is great for our morale and fundamental belief in government, it is pointless because in the REAL world, washington is running amuck with republicans. So either we round up the rethugs and ship their asses to Iraq, OR we can try to work with them and have a hope of getting something done. OR we can cling to our ideals, get nothing done and put up with La Smirk for 4 more. Whether we like it or not, very left or very right ideas don't fly. It's the moderate stance that gets action. So, it pisses me off to hear idealist rip apart democrats when that big honking ape is sitting in the white house killing our men, raping the environment, putting wedges in society, and pocketing obscene amounts of money for his corporate buddies. Why the hell are we sitting here criticizing ANYONE BUT BUSH??? Because you can sure as hell bet those repukes are not sitting there criticizing Hannity. This, IMHO, is the very heart of what is wrong with the democratic party. Are we so blind to our ideals that we can no longer differentiate it from reality?
If the desecration that has been unleashed upon us by bush and co. is not enough to unite us behind a single commonality, than rove and Co. have won yet AGAIN.
For the record, I am hard core liberal. But I am not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater because my ideals are not realized by any ONE candidate.
It's easy to promise the moon when you don't have a snowball's chance of winning or delivering on said promises.
just my vent for the day....tired of the dem bashing when so much is wrong with bush....lets get rid of bush first before we start cleaning house.