Edited on Mon Mar-01-04 09:35 PM by The Lone Liberal
You would have to be close to brain dead not to know that Bush is a liar… He and his administration have made it a policy to practice lying and deceiving the American people. The question before us then is which was the biggest lie?
That he would serve a full term with Texas Air National Guard
That he didn’t know the financial state of Harkens Oil when he bailed out on the other investors.
That he worked for and signed a Patients Bill of Rights as Governor of Texas
That he was just a “good old boy” rather than the son of one of the most influential families in America
That he was a Compassionate Conservative rather than a Right Wing ideologue
That he was for the working man, when all the while he was pushing anti-labor agendas
That most of his tax cut package went to ordinary Americans rather than the wealth one-percent
That there wasn’t enough scientific evidence for global warm
That he had not made up his mind to invade Iraq when the plans had been formulated years before
That the US was in imminent danger of attack form Iraq
That Iraq had massive stockpile of Weapons of Mass Destruction
That Iraq had reconstituted its nuclear program
That the Iraqi people would welcome us a liberators
That the only companies capable of handling the rebuilding of Iraq was Bechtel and Halliburton
That he fully supported education, as evidenced by No Child Left Behind, when in fact he was cutting education
That he supported the Veterans when in fact he was cutting Veteran Benefits
That he supported the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan when in fact he was cutting benefits
That his tax cuts were intended to jump start the economy when in fact it was pay back to his wealthy supporters.
That 2.6 million jobs would be created in 2004
That with the deployment of a $200 billion, non-tested, Anti-missile Defense the American people were safer
That there was no danger in rolling back the arsenic reduction in drinking water
That he hardly knew Ken Lay
That the reason he didn’t admit to being cited for drunk driving was to protect his daughters
That he was someone who would work with other political views to bring the nation together
That he wants to find out who “outed” Valerie Plame
That the reason he is statements are a little off sometimes is because he is not a “fact checker”
That the reason he needed to land on the carrier Abraham Lincoln was because the helicopter could not fly 30 miles
Lord this is just a partial list, I am tired of typing. But you pick which was the biggest lie listed, or add to the lie list.