Edited on Sat Aug-02-03 02:23 PM by tibbiit
If I was a 9-11 family member and remember Bush being friendly with the Saudi's after 9-11-- I would be calling for his Head! How could Bush-Co explain away his great friendship with the very government who is a terrorist org? Why is the protection of the Saudi royals not seen as the HIGHEST TREASON by the families of 9-11? And why arent they out in the streets screaming about it?
Go to the whitehouse.gov (edit: whoops not org:) and you can see all the pictures, and read all the words of bush proclaiming friendship for the saudis after 9-11... and it was known 2 years ago about how the saudi's were flown out of america when no one else could fly.
If anyone knows any family members of 9-11 make sure they understand that Bush knew about the connection and still invited the Prince to Crawdad I think at least 2 times since 9-11.
Why arent the Dems talking about this... educating the people about the Bush/Saudi connection? We should demand they (dems) start EDUCATING the people about this connection because I dont care how you slice it... its HIGH TREASON by every definition of the word!
People, tell everyone about this, we can spread this by word of mouth, eventually it will become a roar as the sleepers wake and start connecting some dots. We can help wake up the sleepers! tib