Edited on Tue Mar-02-04 12:01 PM by Marianne
Geez, the guy really walks like he has a huge load of poo poo in his diapers.
He was addressing the Homeland Security folks -- the usual
terra terra terra, SAddam Saddam, Bin Laden, Freedom --we gave freedom ot millions of people. Saddam had weapons, we are safer now that he is gone and more blah blah blah--trying to scare the wits out of a whole country. Ridge called him a great leader--compared him to Roosevelt, I think--I yell at the TV so much that I missed most of his lies--doing a project in another room, but did catch a few sinister looking smirks when he spoke about terror--and he said it would never go away--what an ass
Of course it will never go away. Just look at Israel Palestine--been going on for fifty years.
I am concerned though, that Kerry is losing ground here. He seems, suddently weak--just my intuitive perception.
But--the guest this morning on C-Span was Eric Alterman and he was excellent. Took no nonsense from any caller that tried to say Bush was a great leader.