about the Cali recall. He sounds fairly nonpartisan to me.
"The Crystal Ball wants to state at the outset that, on principle, we oppose the recall. This Progressive Movement innovation of the early nineteenth century was to be used only in extremis. For example, the Progressives saw recall as a solution to rare political deadlock, say, a governor who was caught in a serious act of corruption, but who was not indicted or convicted, nor automatically removed from office under law nor impeached and convicted by the state legislature. The arguments used by the Progressives to support recall clearly focus on this combination of official corruption and the inability of the political system to correct that ill.
Nothing of the sort exists in California in 2003. Is Gray Davis a patently unappetizing politician? Has he almost consistently taken the low road in demonizing opponents and politicizing issues unnecessarily? Does he have a toll-booth for special interests in the governor's office, and actually enjoy the compromising fundraising that most politicians privately abhor? Yes, yes, yes, and definitely yes. But Californians elected him twice to the governorship, the second time just nine months ago when his failings were obvious even to pea-brains in the electorate. The arguments made about his 'corruption' strike us as exaggerations. The charges include mishandling of the state's energy crisis; Davis's intervention in the GOP primary to pick his 2002 opponent, when Davis's negative TV ads helped to defeat the stronger Republican opponent, former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan; and hiding the real size of the state's mammoth $38 billion budget deficit until after election day. Oh, please. Many governors across the country have been guilty of the same political 'crimes', and they have not been recalled from office. While not admirable--little that Gray Davis does falls into that category--these stratagems are well within the loose ethical boundaries of modern-day politics."http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/03gov_ca.htmThat does not sound like a Republican talking to me.