Note, whoever is writing this, wants this distributed far and wide
National Ethics
Saturday, August 02, 2003
In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with the understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
First Inaugural Address
How little things change for the Party of Tyranny. How much has changed for the United States we all love. There was a time when we could hold our head high and say that we had honor and integrity, and leaders who would speak truthfully. Honor and integrity meant something. These days, they no longer do. Our President has taken almost a month to admit that he indeed is responsible for his statements to Congress, as required by the U. S. Constitution. That State of the Union Address is mandated by the Constitution party as distrust of Imperial Presidencies. I am sure the Party of Tyranny would love to make away with this. After all, it has cost them a scandal.
Plubius usually stays out of these political fights, but this one is a mark of our character, or rather lack of character. There was a time when Presidents took responsibility in a forthright manner. It seems these days that our Chief Executive is behaving increasingly like King George the Mad, and is the leader of an Empire, not a Republic.
So let's trace this scandal as best we can, and what it tells us about our new national character. The first part of the scandal involved Ambassador Wilson, who was sent to Africa (Niger to be exact) to check on the facts whether Niger was selling Yellow Cake Uranium to Iraq. He found this to be a forgery and reported this back, almost ten months before the State of the Union. In spite of his report, it seems some in the White House decided that they still needed that piece of information to scare the living daylights out of the American People. So what is a little lie when we want to prosecute a war and we know what is best for the People, who obviously do not know what is best? Now Plubius is shaking his head. If we are a Democracy, and that is what Presidents have told us since at least Woodrow Wilson, we are equal partners in decision making, and we should be told the truth. Alas the Party of Tyranny knows full well that if they told us the truth, their little pet project would have received no support.
Second part to this story involves the Office of Special Projects. Seems the Intelligence Services have a love of country that runs deeper than love of party or current political master. Hence they were unwilling to exaggerate the intelligence, or to use the cute term used by our cousins across the Atlantic, to sex up the Intel. Hence the Secretary of Defense did the next best thing and got his own Intel sexed up by the Office of Special Projects… which did its job driven by ideology, not facts on the ground. They cherry picked Intel to fit the situation, never mind that what they were doing was not for the interest of this country, but the interests of a very narrow group of individuals connected to the Party of Tyranny. Some of the items that our boys and girls sold us on were as follows:
The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas.
George W. Bush, President
Cincinnati, Ohio Speech
We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
ABC Interview
The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.
George W. Bush, President
State of the Union Address
Yes we were told Iraq was an imminent threat to the United States. We were told that if we did not go to war immediately, then there would be bombs and other nasties falling on American Cities. And now, it seems all of this was a tangled weave of lies and deceit…but the words honor and integrity are still used by the Party of Tyranny.
The Washington Post quoted an unidentifed senior administration official as declaring that "knowing all that we know now, the reference to Iraq's attempt to acquire uranium from Africa should not have been included in the State of the Union speech."
Unidentifed, Senior Administration Official
New York Times Article
Yet we are still told, trust us…
Now let us try to look at this from the American tradition of respect for people's rights and our respect for the law, International law included. President Washington was aware of the importance of the law of Nations in order to have the country move forwards. So did Hamilton, Adams and others of the Founding Fathers. During the Civil War President Lincoln had to face the nightmare scenario that the Southern States would be recognized as an independent nation, and even given support. During the whole of the 20th century we were an example for the world to follow, insofar as following International Law.
So what went wrong? Where did a small clique of fanatics take over the country and turn it into a shadow of itself? Why are we in Iraq, as more and more excuses fall flat? Why did we invade a country presumably to disarm it… but all we have found is the REMNANTS of a WMD program? And how does that place us in the order of nations?
The answer to these questions is fairly complex. Partly it lies in what some call peak oil. This is the point where peak oil production has been reached and any more oil will be extracted at increasing cost. In some ways our present administration is full of oilmen that know this, understand that the US has reached peak oil and are unwilling to do the work required to convert our oil dependent economy to other fuels. I do highly recommend you read this site to see what I am getting at. all, most Americans are not aware of this, and yes it seems that President Carter was right when he said we needed to learn to conserve… but he ran headlong into the Oil Institute.
There is more to this. Our jobs, good jobs, are leaving our shores and the Party of Tyranny is unwilling to put a stop to it. Why? They are only concerned for the health of the corporation, not the country. Mind you, corporations perse are not a bad thing, or a good thing. They are just fictional entities, but when corporations are allowed to leave the US, to tax shelters overseas, and to export good jobs, we cannot say that they have the best interest of the American Worker in mind, unless they hope that when they come back the Unions will be gone and they can drive ALL salaries down. We may be seeing the dawn of a new feudal age, as we look down to the future. This would be an age where a few get richer while the world starves. For more on this, read this site: Again, this is not something our very "honest" and "honorable" politicians are telling us. Why not? They know that the less you know, the easier it is to control you. In some ways they hope that they can take you down a road that will lead to your personal ruin, and their enrichment. The images of the very rich traveling in armored cars while the rest starve are not only Dickensian, but real. So going back to our President and his administration, should they be held accountable for their lies and innuendo? Yes… you and I must demand open investigations. Why? The first step in returning this country to what our Founding Fathers once imagined is to demand integrity from those who now "lead us." I urge all of you, my kind readers, to get informed and for god sakes, register to vote and do vote.
What is the alternative? Our national character will be diminished by these lies. Our future as a nation will be diminished. That City on the Hill that Cotton Mather envisioned will be tarnished. We, will no longer be fit to lead others or make claims. Why? We are now an Empire out of Control just doing whatever it wants, and that will kill our Democracy. We can say then that the experiment is over, and we should just stop deluding ourselves. This is what this scandal puts at risk… our national character.