Bill Mahrer was merciless last night on Larry King. Larry whores for Bush again, but Mahrer got in some good points-- some excerpts from the transcripts:
KING: This going to be a very rough election, do you think, very tough? I mean, close and hard-fought and all the rest?
MAHER: I've never known one that wasn't, but especially when the Bush family is involved -- I know they're all about the honor and integrity, Larry, but somehow, when it comes down to election time, I've never known a family that got more into the gutter, whether it was what they did to John McCain in the year 2000, accusing him of everything from being pro-breast cancer to fathering a black baby, or obviously, the campaign that George Bush's father ran in '88 against Dukakis, which was all about Willie Horton and the Pledge of Allegiance. You already see some of the wedge issues that they're trying to get up on the board for their team -- gay marriage...
and this gem:
because all of the love that Democrats have for John Kerry is really hate for George Bush. I hate to put it that way, but it's true. I mean, Kerry love is Bush hate. I don't think the American public is terribly quick, but I will give them credit for this. It took them about three years to catch up to George Bush, but they finally did. About half of this country really has caught on that this is not a president who really should be defined by honor and integrity. I'm not saying he's a lot worse than other people we've had. But honor and integrity? I don't think so. Honesty? I don't think so. I think he's an extremely selfish president who's using every bit of the treasury to get reelected.
I laugh when people say he's got a $200 million war chest. Are you kidding? He's got a $2 trillion war chest. He's using every penny in the treasury to get elected, to hand out money to farm subsidies, to buy off votes with any kind of pork he can think of, the Medicare entitlement bill. That's selfish. People are kind of onto that, and I think they think he's way too bought off by corporations. And I think they realize that he tells a bigger lie than Bill Clinton did about things that were important. Iraq -- perfect example. I'm not really against the whole idea, as we have discussed, but if he had just been honest about Iraq, if he had just said, Look, it's a Texas thing.
KING: Well, but maybe he had the wrong information.
MAHER: It's a Texas thing. They tried to get my daddy, and I got to get them. Has nothing to do with 9/11.