and he drools of BCCI scandal
September 23rd 1997: Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) told this week's "Meet the Press" audience that President Bill Clinton's 1996 fund-raising activities were "unethical, illegal (and) in poor taste." The Mormon lay minister also said he has "no doubt" Attorney General Janet Reno will appoint an independent counsel to investigate White House fund-raising -- a decision he said should have been made months ago. But Hatch is no stranger to scandal and would do better to leave the accusing to someone else. This is the same Senator who called Democrats the "party of homosexuals," made sneering and derogatory comments to Anita Hill, and who himself was investigated in 1993 for helping a business associate get a loan from the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) which swindled Americans and others of more than $8 billion. Hatch defended the bank until the last possible moment. Hatch, trying to recover his squeaky-clean image, recently cut his own CD titled "My God is Love" -- He wrote the lyrics and is featured on the album cover sitting at a piano like a Salt Lake Liberace. You can run out and buy it in October. Orrin Hatch, Lib-Lover Timothy Noah MSNBC Posted Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1998, at 8:21 AM PT According to this week's Weekly Standard, Orrin Hatch's lib-bashing credentials are wanting. Yes, he called Bill Clinton a "jerk," and defended Ken Starr, and remains despised by Mary McGrory (Chatterbox's favorite political columnist). But he's civil to Ted Kennedy! And he's equivocated on whether the Secret Service should be required to testify about a sitting president! And he said that if Clinton came clean he probably wouldn't be removed from office! (This last hypothetical, uttered last summer, seems quaint today: Clinton still hasn't come entirely clean, and he still probably won't be removed from office.) <snips>