The bow-legged, arrogant walk of the cowboy in a black hat. The wrapping of himself in patriotic symbols - children reciting the pledge of Allegiance, the flag waving briskly in the air of freedom, bombs bursting in air - but you can feel safe because Dubya is in charge.
But, are you really safer with Dubya in charge? If you really think so, then we are in worse shape than anyone can imagine. Freedom is slavery and war is peace. Indeed, we are living in 1984. Nothing is as it seems, but only as they say it is. There is nothing wrong with "divide and conquer" so long as they are the ones that conquer.
The economy is booming. The stock market is setting records. We are strong in the eyes of the world because we have a strong leader at the helm, George W Bush. We are proud of the great job he did protecting our nation from further terrorist attacks after 9/11. That was the day he became a "real" leader. Bullshit!
It is the truth that is under attack - not America. America has never been weaker or in greater danger. Our economy is under the greatest threat since the Great Depression. Millionaires are rushing to put their taxcut spoils into the stock market. Yet, the Bush ads are attempting to paint the picture that it's "morning in America" again. And they will be successful unless we fight them with every ounce of truth that is left in our souls.