Check these out, folks - this is why I keep whining that nobody wants to fund basic etiologis research. These initiatives are coming out the gate with the idea that we already understand obesity enough that we can come up with prevention programs. Anybody who thinks that's the case, raise your hand. Didn't think so. Here's the clip:
- snip -
Dear Colleagues:
We would like to call your attention to a funding opportunity from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The three opportunities of particular relevance to weight management are:
2004-R-04: Evaluation of Existing or Planned Obesity Prevention and Control Programs
2004-R-07: Evaluation of a Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention in Childcare Settings to address Overweight in Preschool-aged Children and
2004-R-05: Evaluation of Existing or Planned Programs to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Note that applications for these programs must be submitted through a school of medicine or public health. Note also that CDC will pay for evaluating obesity and nutritional interventions, but not for delivering them.
To learn more about these opportunities, follow this link: snip -
Well, at least there is interest and funds being made available. That's something, eh?