presidential hopeful John Kerry (D-Mass.), under fire from gay Democrats for opposing same-sex marriage, has promised that if elected president, he would grant state-sanctioned married gay couples the same federal rights and benefits married straight couples enjoy, according to several people who met with Kerry in San Francisco last Friday, reports The Washington Post. Kerry, who says he personally opposes same-sex marriage, said he would, however, bestow all federal marriage benefits--such as the right to file joint income taxes and collect survivor benefits--on same-sex couples who unite legally in civil unions, domestic partnerships, and even marriage under their state laws. The number of federal benefits for married couples was recently adjusted by the U.S. Government Accounting Office from 1,049 to 1,138.
Kerry made the comments at a gay fund-raiser in San Francisco's Nob Hill neighborhood, the Post reports. Until the event, he had talked mostly in general terms of providing federal benefits and the "same basic rights" to same-sex couples. "It's the first time in history that a presidential candidate has ever supported full and equal protection for same-sex couples," said state representative Mark Leno, a San Francisco Democrat and an early Kerry supporter who attended Friday's fund-raiser and queried Kerry about his position.Leno and the Kerry campaign fielded a number of calls and personal conversations from Dean Democrats who refused to "hop on board" the fundraising train without Kerry "clarifying" his remarks. With this latest promise (which I intend to hold Kerry responsible for, should he win election), Kerry's position on gay marriage is basically "in favour" (regardless of what he's said otherwise).
As with most of the rest of his campaign (anti-war, balanced budget, etc.), it was a message pushed and endorsed by. . . HDDs. You all can thank us after the White House gets in with the margins provided by the gay Republicans (1 million of them) who endorse Kerry's stance. :-)