Edited on Thu Mar-04-04 05:09 PM by kentuck
the liberal media? The conservatives are aware of this battle but the liberals in the media, the few that remain, seem oblivious to the struggle. Because the Repubs understand that he who controls the propaganda system controls the minds of the majority of the citizenry.
So, the election this November is not really between the Repubs and Democrats, or Bush and Kerry, but it is between the left and right propaganda outlets in this country. Because the candidate that gets the blessing of the "media" will win, regardless of how incompetent or how great the other candidate might be on the issues. For historical context, just look no further than the last election.
Take for example the political talk shows on the cable networks. On FOX, CNN, MSNBC and wherever you surf, you will find conservatives controlling the subject matter to be discussed and how the subject is to be framed. Some blatant examples are those supposedly liberals like Juan Williams, Mara Liaison, Alan Colmes and almost every so-called liberal on cable, who are being used by the conservative propagandists as tools to further the right-wing agenda and they seem oblivious to their role in the political process of this nation.
Until the liberals in the media become aware of their roles as adversarial opponents of the right-wing, Democrats are predisposed to fight uphill battles. The conservatives, such as Novak and Brit Hume and others are perfectly aware that they are there to further the Republican cause. The so-called liberals in the media think they are there to give an unbiased, balanced report of the struggle between the two major Parties. In fact, they are only puppets of the right wingers that pay them to be on their TV shows.