Recently, I posted a diatribe condemning the post-WWII democratic presidents for a series of insidious foreign policies which they enacted. Why did I start that thread? Because I came to the conclusion that it was not simply right-wing fanatics like Dulles who forged the National Security State, but Democrats as well. Because it was not only Nixon, and that bastion of evil, Dr. Henry Kissinger, who allowed for the rape of Vietnam to occur, but our own tragic, King Lear-like liberal president, Lyndon Johnson. Because it was not merely social-darwinists (an immoral ethos if I ever heard one) like Reagan and Bush who perpetuated suffering here and abroad, but conservative Democrats such as Carter and Clinton. I have blasted the moderate members of our party, but damn it, it is because I believe this country can serve as the cornerstone of hope in this world, and I feel it has never lived up to this promise.
Now here's the crux...
In response to my words, MOST of the DUers replied with thoughtful messages. But I was labeled a freeper by a few, and dismissed by more as unrealistic. And yet, none of this vitriol is extended towards those who openly admit to leaving America if Bush "wins" in 2004 (and I have no doubt that Bushco would use any means to ensure that this does happen).
I do NOT advocate verbal attacks on DUers, this should be, above all, a democratic forum, but is anyone else mystified by this defeatism? Although Patriot Act II hangs precariously over our heads, we have not yet undergone the transformation to totalitarianism. And if the shit does indeed hit the proverbial fan, then I will die fighting in the Gulag.
This is not the first crisis to hit America, nor will it be the last. We have been through a revolution, civil war, several depressions, innumerable corrupt leaders, and witchhunts. Yeah, these empire-builders want us under their boot, but the ruling class has always sought to control the common man. But our voice has risen time and again: the Shays Rebellion, the abolitionist movements, the raid on Harper's Ferry, and the Populist Revolution, to name but a precious few. We have an opportunity to carry on our ancestors' spirit of resistance, and though I balk at the prospect of suffering at the hands of tyrants, I take solace in the fact that I won't be alone.
The point I'm trying to make is that I love my f@#$ing country more than Bush does, and because of that, I'm staying.
So who else remains in America, whether it be due to financial constraints, familial ties, or ideology?