I have always been ABB.
I think its so important to get Bush out that I am willing to compromise on a long laundry list of issues. Why?
I see GWB AND the current leaders of the Republican party as people who threaten the very institutions of our democracy. All you have to do is listen to their rhetoric and look at their actions:
They attack "activist" judges and are attempting to force rules that would lessen the power of the judiciary branch.
They want to cut taxes and "shrink" government, thus concentrating more power in the hands of the corporate oligarchy and limiting the people's say in how we run this country. At some point in the near future I fear that this concentration of power will be so entrenched an irreversible that we will never get our democracy back.
They have changed long standing procedural rules in Congress in an attempt to concentrate even more power in their own hands.
In 2000 they subverted the very foundation of our democracy by tampering with the Florida election first via the "voter scrub" then during the recount process and finally by using the Supreme Court to forever tarnish the equal protection clause by reinterpreting it to mean equal protection for Republicans only.
This brings me to Mcain, I disagree with him on many issues primarily the war in Iraq but, I respect him immensely for attempting to preserve and protect the very institutions that Bushco finds inconvenient.
He has championed a variety of causes that are near and dear to my heart: Campaign finance reform, he supported and continues to support the work being done by the 9/11 commision, and just yesterday he started openly questioning the role of the Iraq Intelligence commitee saying that the comitee should have the power to supoena administration officials and investigate how pre war intelligence may have been twisted by Bush to support a war.
All this aside the real reason I want Mcain is purely Machiavellian in nature. I believe that Mcain strongly appeals to Independents, libertarians and moderate Repubs, he would act as a walking, talking, human Republican wedge fracturing the Moderate wing of the Republican party and appealing strongly to swing voters regardless of their leanings. He also adds more Military gravitas to the ticket further undermining wjat Bush so much wants to run on.