The talking point today is that the 9/11 widows on teevee are democrat plants, just spouting talking points. (Irony right there!). He had the supposed brother of a firefighter on talking some seriously scary stuff..."We should build a bigger tower at ground zero and say 'Let's see you take THAT down!'" Hmmm. I wonder what the insurance on THAT place would be?
But it got scarier, before someone probably flash a message on his screen and reminded him they were actually talking on air, and probably not helping the cause...they both started on a rant about the whiny 9/11 families, andwhy they think they're entitled to tell anyone what to use in ads or what to do with the former WTC site. My god, it reminded me of Bush mocking the death row inmate..."Please don't kill me!" I was shocked to hear such a bizarre angle on this, in light of the current controversy over the Bush ads. Hearing it fifteen minute after the Coulter rant on CNN didn't help.
The party line, at least on Rush, is that the Democrats are demanding that a) The dems are saying 9/11 shouldn't be mentioned at all in the campaign and b) The dems are claiming Bush was reading a book at the time of the attack...so what? He had to be doing something. What was FDR doing? What difference does it make what Bush was doing at the time of the attack, it is his leadership SINCE that counts. Note he lumps the two attacks into "the attack," conveniently leaving out the fact that Bush was reading the story AFTER he knew of the first attack; and that the issue isn't of him reading, it is about his NOT STOPPING THE READING UPON HEARING THE NATION WAS UNDER ATTACK.
This is how we're being framed. And quite frankly, if I believed this is what any of us were about, I wouldn't want to be a democrat either.
Rush, I hope your screeners and searchers are reading this. You are despicable, and what you are doing to this country is absolutely disgraceful. You darken the American Flag with the blood of our young soldiers when you support the lying Bush cabal in this manner.
I'd rather listen to three days of Stern doing anal ring toss than listen to three minutes of your brand of hate and fearmongering.