And it's why I am so frustrated with the conservatives AND with liberals. We need to start actually taking action to prevent this kind of nonsense. What follows is the view of the Freepers.
Many here are familiar with the Free State Project, an attempt to take over a small state politically by supporting classical libertarians (like Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine) and electing them to public office. Then they propose to change the government though legal and constitutional means to basically evict the federal government from that state as well as remove any freedom robbing state and local laws.
To do this, people from all over the country are urged to move to New Hampshire and establish a new life there. That is a commendable goal but the outcome is improbable at best as I cannot really see thousands of people quitting their job to move to a part of the country that they are unfamiliar with and no job to boot.
My suggestion is to get the people of a state that has a fairly large area of rural areas but are dominated by the liberals in a tiny number of cities, and secede from that state, form a new state ans immediately petition Congress for admission into the union for recognition as a new state.
IMHO, the following states are ripe for secession and a split and because of a large liberal population in a relatively small area basically control the entire state. New York (secede all counties more than 50 miles from NYC and Long Island), Pennsylvania (secede all counties more than 50 miles from Philadelphia), Oregon (secede all counties more than 30 miles from Portland) Illinois (secede all counties more than 50 miles from Chicago), Washington (secede all counties more than 30 miles from Seattle), Missouri (secede all counties more than 50 miles from St. Louis abd possibly Kansas City), Georgia (Southern and Western secede amd leave Atlanta and the NW counties), There may be more but these come to mind immediately.
The US Constitution states in Article IV. Section 3. "New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress." This would seem to indicate that in order for several counties to split from a state, it must first receive permission from that state's legislature. However, when West Virginia split from Virginia, it simply formed a separate state government and declared itself independent of Virginia WITHOUT THE PERMSSION OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. To this day Virginia has never voted to allow West Virginai secede. When they applied for statehood, Congress quickly admitted it. Congress would not be able to reject recognizing the state because precedence has already been established.
The advantage of my idea is that in the states that I mentioned, the new states would distance themselves from their liberal big city cousins and form a government that is MUCH more like the one that our founding fathers envisioned; maximum freedom and minimum government.
New state constitutions could be written that specifically prohibit the transfer of wealth from the workers to the leaches and guarantee in specific writing that all adults will have certain rights. The wording can be such that not even a New York liberal lawyer could argue that they mean something other than what was written. An article would be included that prohitits an income tax and restricts any increase in the state and local budgets to inflation plus population gain without voter approval.
Taxes could also be restricted to an end user tax ONLY and no person may be compelled to pay any tax under threat of arrest, prosecution, or forfeiture of property.
The state would be prohibited from taking any federal money with string attached that would compel the state to pass certain laws.
Politicians would be term limited and judges would be restricted to a single 10 year term at any single level and no more than 20 years at all levels combined.
People would not be required to leave the land they have live on their entire life but would find that their state is now a magnet for business wanting to escape high taxation and high regulation anti-business regions.
Perhaps best of all, these new states could add up to 14 new (hopefully conservative) senators that would shift the balance in the Senate away from the liberals with their RINO counterparts. The AW ban that passed as an amendment would have been defeated by a vote of 63 to 52 instead of passing 52-49.