There were a lot of comments Howard made the day before Clear Channel pulled him. Whether it's "legal" or not (it probably IS) is really a straw horse. We still have the right to point out the motives and actions of Clear Channel's CEO, John Hogan - a top Bush donor and FCC bootlicker.
The day before Clear Channel pulled him Howard was vulgar as per usual - AND on that same day Howard became Bush-bashing for the FIRST TIME EVER.
Apply Occam's Razor here. What is the SIMPLEST explanation for why he got pulled?
- Someone used vulgarity on his show for the umpteenth time (Clear Channel's STATED reason)
- Howard turned against Bush for the first time in 2-1/2 years.
The fact that OTHER talk-shows get to use profanity with no reprimand from the FCC indicates that Howard was pulled for his politics, not his profanity. And that is NOT legal - Clear Channel can arguably be sued for that. (Another Clear Channel employee - this one on staff - who was fired after expressing anti-Republican opinions has filed a lawsuit against his employeer.)
= = =
Here's the transcript that probably is the REAL reason Clear Channel CEO John Hogan pulled Howard the next day:
Howard: ...over the vacation I read Al Franken's book, Lying liars who... it's great.
Robin: Yeah?
Howard: It's a great... He is phenomenal.
Artie: He's a funny guy.
Robin: That's the one that Bill O'Reilly was upset about.
Howard: I can see why.
Robin: Yeah?
Howard: He does a thing. It's really funny... I bought the book, and I said on my vacation I'm going to read Al Franken's book. Lying liars who lie... I don't even know the title. And uh... the first page he insults me.
Robin: Really?
Howard: yeah, he talks about how I'm, like me and uhh Ann Coulter are McCarthyites or something... like ya know it's was just really insulting. And I And I And I And I just said, ya know...
Robin: You, and Ann Coulter, that's interesting.
Howard: I can get past this if Al doesn't like me. But, I'm not even sure why I'm like McCarthy, but, evidently I am, according to AL and ya know what, if Al says it it must be true because
Robin: because you loved this book and he was right on about everything...
Howard: I loved the book, and he seems to be right on about everything. If you read this book you will never vote for George W Bush.
Robin: Yeah?
Howard: Because, what he does is, he takes everything that you've seen in the newspaper, and goes back and he get 12 Harvard kids...
Artie: (Laughing)
Howard: research everything and to find out what really happened...
Robin: uh huh?
Howard: and when you find out the truth about stuff, it is just frightening and he does a chapter on uhh on Hannity and Colmes from the Fox news network that is so funny... I mean I can't even tell you how funny it is.
Robin: Really? I've got to get this book.
Howard: Somebody outta fund him some money then let him make a movie like what's his name does, Micheal Moore.
Robin: Yeah.
Howard: Yeah. He is he is really good.
Robin: Well he's going to be on that radio, the liberal radio network.
Howard: I'll listen to him. I'll listen to him if it's as good as that book.
Robin; that's what he's planning to do
Howard: Lying liars who lie or something like that
Robin; I know it's all about lies that lying liars tell.
Howard: Yeah, and it's really funny.
Artie: Well he's one of those guys even if you disagree with his politics you think he's funny...
Howard: Yeah!
Artie: ...because he's such a funny guy
Robin: But he convinced you it sounds.
Howard: Oh oh... he was so it was awesome, the book is awesome. I'm going to give tone...
Robin: All right, I'm going to get it.
Howard: Scott Depace who's like one of those guys who the republicans can do no wrong.
Fred: (Southern Accent) No thank you!
Howard: (Southern Accent) I'm not readin' that!
Fred: (Southern Accent) I'm not readin' nun uh dat der bull...
Robin: (Southern Accent) I don't want my mind opened.
Howard: (Southern Accent) Don't open up my mind.
Robin: (Southern Accent) I like it closed.
Howard: Well I've been feeling really horrible about George W Bush since what's going on with the FCC and what's going on in this country with stem cell research. What's going on now
Robin: the abortion thing
Howard: the abortion thing. I feel that there's way too much government in our lives, and I can't believe G W Bush is behind it. I think this guy is a religious fanatic and a Jesus freak.
Robin: Uh huh.
Howard: and he is just on a hell bent on getting some sort bizarro agenda through, like a country club agenda that his father will be finally proud of him. And uhh I I umm I don't know much about Kerry but I think that I'm one of them anybody but Bush guys now, ever since the FCC stuff went down and it directly effects me and even some of the things with the economy.
Baba Booey: Don't you think that it's weird...
Robin: Well, the economy is a big a huge issue.
Howard: I don't think G W is going to win. What do you think of that?
So, suddenly John Hogan, Bush Ranger and CEO of Clear Channel discovers that Howards Stern talks about pornography on his show and is offended.
The day after Stern made the above remarks.
Coincidence, I'm sure.