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Is this an ADMISSION that Blair knew the WMD evidence was bunk?

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WilliamPitt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 01:09 AM
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Is this an ADMISSION that Blair knew the WMD evidence was bunk?
Edited on Sun Aug-03-03 01:12 AM by WilliamPitt
From Tom "Screw Islam" Friedman in the Times:


"History may one day record that maybe the most honest speech about why we invaded Iraq was given by Prime Minister Tony Blair, addressing the filing cabinets in an empty hallway just outside his office at No. 10 Downing Street.

"The moment is recounted in Peter Stothard's terrific book "30 Days." Mr. Stothard, the editor of The Times Literary Supplement, was allowed to follow Mr. Blair around in the 30 days immediately before and after the start of the Iraq war. His book is a daily diary. On March 13, six days before the British Parliament would be asked to vote for war, Mr. Blair was stewing in his office, worrying about whether he would win the vote.

"Mr. Blair knew the real and good reasons for ousting Saddam Hussein: First, he was a genocidal dictator, who aspired to acquire weapons of mass destruction — even if he did not have them yet. And second, removing Saddam and building a more decent Iraq would help tilt the Middle East onto a more progressive political track and send a message to all the neighboring regimes that Western governments were not going to just sit back and let them incubate suicide bombers and religious totalitarians, whose fanaticism threatened all open societies. These were the good reasons for the war, and Mr. Blair voiced some of them aloud that day."

...I'd love to know the source of the attribution for that little nugget. A trial balloon, or a brain fart?


P.S. I love this part:

"Unless real W.M.D.'s are found in Iraq, Gulf War II will for now and for years to come be known as "the controversial Gulf War II" — and the hyped reasons for the war will obscure the still good ones. Only future historians will be able to sort out this war's ultimate validity. It is too late or too early for the rest of us.

"It's too late, because no one will ever know what Saddam would've done had Messrs Blair and Bush not acted. And it's too early, because the good reasons for this war — to unleash a process of reform in the Arab-Muslim region that will help it embrace modernity and make it less angry and more at ease with the world — will take years to play out."

...yeah...Tommy's arguing that wars make nations and peoples "less angry" and "more at ease with the world." Halloooooo, PNAC. War is "modernity."
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lcordero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 01:17 AM
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1. I despise neo-cons and so-called Internationalists
Edited on Sun Aug-03-03 01:20 AM by lcordero
I'm glad that I'm getting out of the National Guard in March 2004. The Iraq massacre is an outright racist mugging and raping.
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CHIMO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 01:32 AM
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2.  Crystal Ball
Tells me that the world has been warned and the nations are taking note. Don't have to wait for historians on this.

In ten to fifteen years the US will have to really search for partners.
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 01:36 AM
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3. Friedman's additional 2 cents in the "we did the right thing" mantra
The continuing "WMD threat" to "humanitarian relief" mission morph.
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Julien Sorel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 01:42 AM
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4. How perfectly paternalistic of them:
And it's too early, because the good reasons for this war — to unleash a process of reform in the Arab-Muslim region that will help it embrace modernity and make it less angry and more at ease with the world — will take years to play out.

I wonder why those Arab-Muslims are 'angry.' Not just in the Middle East, mind you, but in Africa as well. Could it be because they are pissed off about their continuing victimization from colonialism? Was 'Gulf War II' simply a very loud way of saying, 'Hey, we fucked you for hundreds of years, now get over it, because we aren't going to change or stop?' That's the same attitude that created this situation in the first place; why people like Friedman, who ought to know better, look on its continuation as somehow good for the Muslims is something that I'd like to know.
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bodhisattava Donating Member (98 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 04:14 AM
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5. Neocolonialists,not neocons
One of the godfathers of the neocons is the British Imperialist
Paul Johnson who called for recolonizing the Arabs for the next 100
years so that they can be "civilized" and will no longer pose a threat to Western interests. This is precisely what Tom Friedman is calling for except he couches it in more euphemistic terms. The entire Iraqi adventure is predicated on this premise of "civilizing" the arabs.I will say it takes a lot of Chutzpah to bring civilization
to Iraq, the cradle of civilization,as we know it.

When you combine British Imperialism which wants to return to its glory days in Iraq,U.S. right wing imperialism which is seeking world hegemony and Israeli colonialism, you have a potent stew.We have not seen the end of this story yet.These are mad men who are going to cause a lot of pain and death and suffering for a lot of innocent people.
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