Edited on Mon Mar-08-04 10:41 PM by TruthIsAll
Internet polling (CNN/MSNBC, NEWSWEEK) have shown a clear, solid anti-Bush majority, on the economy, BBV, Iraq, 9/11, Plame, etc. Online Polls have consistently exceeded 85% against Bush.
As the number of Internet users increase between now and November, so will the number of those who will turn against Bush by lurking, reading and learning on forums such as DU, Buzzflash, Democrats.com, Truthout, various blogs (Calpundit, Talking Points Memo), etc.
And once they learn how to Google "Bush Knew", they will be convinced of LIHOP, at minimum. And they will connect the dots themselves.
So, DUers, let's hope that PC sales go through the roof. As more and more people go online, the faster Bush will fall.
Bush approval is inversely related to the number of users online. When DU hits 50,000 members, up 25% from today's 40,000 (and it should just before the election), that will be an indicator of a significant decline in Bush approval.
Let's see. A 25% increase in DUers could equate to a 25% decrease in Bush approval. That means that he could fall to 38% from his current 48-50%.
An informed voter is a Bush Hater.