So is the so-called “F” word, an Anglo-Saxon word which is considered a “swear word” by the language police that has the same meaning that fornicate has, which is more acceptable. In lengua franca the “F” word really means rape. It means being “screwed over” in common vernacular. So when someone says that they were fucked, they are saying that they were screwed over and in reality raped.
Rape doesn’t have to be physical. It’s really a loss of control over your situation whether it is physical or otherwise. So Saturday I went to a meeting that explained to me that I was raped but I should try to figure out a way that it could work out for me. Well, the situation is bad but damn, if we don’t figure out how to make it work for us, we just have to go scrape at the bottom again and figure out how to get the attention of those who should care.
I’m there at a meeting about the Medicare prescription drug benefit with other Democratic senior citizens. When it was all explained to us, what we really understood was that we had to figure out how to make this windfall for the pharmaceutical industry work for us because basically we were getting screwed. We were told we would have to come up with grass roots efforts to change this.
My god, is everyone so clueless, other than the Republicans who enacted this, that old people don’t have the get up and go to organize and be involved at a grass roots level anymore? I was so tired just coming back from this and trying to digest it that it has taken me two days to post this.
Mostly what I was able to apply to my situation was that this is the most useless bill on the face of the earth for those people who need it the most. The means testing alone would make my husband and I homeless and car less. Other than that it would cost us money to buy insurance for drugs before we would get any benefit and maybe it would be cheaper to buy the drugs? Since there are various drugs neither of us take that we need because we can’t afford them, how is this supposed to help us or anyone whose situation is worse than ours?
I am really disgusted and I really don’t care anymore. I spend forty-four hours a week helping keep my husband alive and give him the care he needs. How am I supposed to also go out and help do a grass roots campaign to change this. How are any sick old people who need medicine and care supposed to do this?