I sent a letter to my Repugnican state legistlators (I love to tweak those little fellas) that making a special change to enable Bunnypants on the ballot here in Illinois will lead to other candidates being able to jump into an election with only a couple days to go since Bushyboy got special treatment, that means all candidate will.
One actually replied and claimed "the Democrats purposely are doing this to embarass "the pResident""...I wrote back that his continuing lies about Bush won't win him or his party any votes in this house. A lot of chuckling has been going on around here in Pleasant Valley Sunday as even the most staunch Repugnicans have long backed off Bunnypant's ability to be a real leader and now it's "steady leadership" crap. How much of a leader can you be when you can't even file the proper forms to get on a ballot...that is, of course, unless you have little regard for the Electoral system.
Yep, * will lose this state...and I sense it could be by as much as 10 points, a Democratic pick-up in the Senate, clearing out some of the Repugnican deadwood in our Congressional delegation (Henry Hyde, Phil Crane, Jerry (Ok, I'll stay in the closet) Weller) and larger Demcratic majorities in both state legislatures (bring on that FMA!).
In '84, after Raygun won this state, I was thinking of moving to a more "Democratic" state...now I'm in one...and we're not done yet, here!
Now a legal question...if Bunnypant's name is not on the ballot in Illinois, does this prohibit the running of those insulting ads (since he's not a legal candidate) or gets a smaller share of federal matching funds. Anyone wanna take a shot at this one?