The other side to this is that a lot of conservatives feel that President Bush hasn't been conservative enough.
1. He promised to bring a "new tone" to Washington which has prevented him from hitting the Democrats as hard as he should.
2. The No Child Left Behind Act or the Education Bill, which was just another big wasteful government program.
3. The immigration act which just opens our borders to terrorists and criminals further.
4. The Prescription Drug Bill, another Big Government give away.
And so and and so forth. Some of them, particularly libertarians are concerned about the Patriot act and government intrusiveness, but many don't care too much about that.
It does put President Bush in a tricky situation; his base is not satisfied and the centrists aren't satisfied. Trying to please either set will inevitably annoy the other. In part that's why he announced support for the Anti Gay Marriage Ammendment; to shore up his base.
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