I need help with a couple 9/11 facts.
Since Bush has now 'officially' politicized September 11th with his new campaign ads, it is now time to start asking real questions about Bush's actions on that day, as well as what this administration did to protect us BEFORE 9/11.
I'm in the process of creating a webpage on just that, including (among other things):
-The differences between Clinton & Bush on terrorism prior to 9/11 -The Gore Commission -The Hart/Rudman Report -Sandy Berger/Condi Rice terrorism conversation -Bush not sending armed Predator drones after Bin Laden till after 9/11 -Ashcroft no longer flying commercially in July 2001 -Ashcroft cutting FBI anti-terrorism funding request by $58 million on 9/10/01 -Unprecedented international warnings of a pending attack throughout the Summer of 2001 -Bush's one month vacation in August 2001 -Bush sitting in a classroom for 20 minutes while America is in the middle of the worst attack in our History.
I'm having trouble corroborating a couple things that I can only find on political webpages referencing a Kent Southard BushWatch article:
"Bill Clinton had in place a multi-layer military response capability targeted on bin Laden: cruise missile firing submarines on station, AC-130 gunships on scramble alert, special-ops teams on the ground. George W. Bush immediately dismantled this effort."
"It was the Bush administration's policy not to issue a FISA warrant for any reason - under Clinton and Janet Reno, NO FISA REQUESTS WERE REFUSED."
Does anyone have links from ANY official source that can confirm these two statements? Been searching for what seems like ages. I know it's asking a lot for a CNN or MSNBC link, but I'll settle for something from the Guardian UK, etc.
Any info on Bush dismantling submarine strikes against Bin Laden, and Ashcroft refusing all FISA warrants before 9/11 would be helpful.