And I fought against him for doing it.
Outsourcing began in the 1980s under guess-who. NAFTA was cooked up by Shrubdaddy.
This is from the Sierra Club's site:
Arguably, the Clinton Administration inherited a difficult situation. The Uruguay Round talks were well underway before it came to office. NAFTA was nearly completed. To put its own stamp on trade policy would have required major changes in agreements substantially locked into place. Key Administration officials, starting with Vice President Gore in his best-selling book, Earth in the Balance, made repeated statements that they appreciated the fundamental environmental challenges posed by trade policy. Such statements gave grounds for hope that the Administration would pursue a trade policy substantially more environmentally sound than its predecessors, correcting the errors of the past.
And this neanderthal blogger has some points as well:
My memory may be failing me, but when I try to recall the achievements of the Clinton presidency, I can name only two of any significance: Welfare Reform and NAFTA. Despite the fact that neither of these bills originated from the Clinton Administration, I do give him credit for signing them; most Democrats would not have signed either bill. These were both Republican bills that passed primarily with unified Republican support; there's no way a bill like Welfare Reform could have passed Congress until after the Republicans took over in 1994.
Note UNIFIED REPUBLICAN SUPPORT (and drafting). Clinton should have vetoed it, but it would have passed a couple of years later when Nuck Fewt came to power.