Campaigning Bush:
"I also want to go to Washington to get some positive things done. It is going to require a new spirit. A spirit of cooperation. It will require the ability of a Republican president to reach out across the partisan divide and to say to Democrats, let's come together to do what is right for America. It's been my record as Governor of Texas, it will be how I conduct myself if I'm fortunate enough to earn your vote as President of the United States."
Well, Mr. Bush, actions speak louder than words. Bush has attempted at every turn to marginalize Democrats. Most recent evidence of this is the revelation that Republicans are "black listing" lobbyists with any connections to the Democrats.
Campaigning Bush:
"I think people need to be held responsible for the actions they take in life. I think that -- well, I think that's part of the need for a cultural change. We need to say we each need to be responsible for what we do. People in the highest office of the land must be responsible for decisions they make in life. And that's the way I've conducted myself as Governor of Texas and that's the way I'll conduct myself as President of the United States, should I be fortunate enough to earn your vote."
Held responsible? Okay, then cooperate with Congress on the 9/11 investigation, the Enron investigation, and the energy task force documents!
Campaigning Bush on the military and war:
"We can help build coalitions but we can't put our troops all around the world."
"Our military is meant to fight and win war. That's what it's meant to do. And when it gets overextended, morale drops."
"And so I don't think our troops ought to be used for what's called nation-building."
"I'm going to be judicious as to how to use the military. It needs to be in our vital interest, the mission needs to be clear, and the exit strategy obvious."
Aren't we doing the exact opposite of almost all those statements? He is proposing war against as many as sixty nations. That would certainly put our troops all around the world and decrease morale. Aren't we currently nation building in Afghanistan? What is the obvious exit strategy? America needs to know.
Campaigning Bush on the budget:
"I want to take one-half of the surplus and dedicate it to Social Security. One-quarter of the surplus for important projects, and I want to send one-quarter of the surplus back to the people who pay the bills."
The surplus is gone. 43% of the surplus went for the Bush tax cut. Social Security has been raided and we are back into deficit spending and amassing gigantic national debt for our children and grandchildren. Fuzzy math, anyone?