Been around for way too many decades. Three years ago I sat on a Sunday morning in Notre Dame Cathederal in Paris with about 4 pews full of old Frenchmen. For me it was the most powerful experience of my life as history, religion, philosophy and some sort of mind blowing force swept over me. It was then I realized some depressing truths about my country because of the contrast I was seeing in Europe.
We have middle class America being beat over the head with a lead pipe with blood flowing down their faces and all they do is cower in a corner and try to survive. Not exactly talking about the French Revolution here where the pesants had enough of the arrogant aristocracy and went for the "head". Yet, we still have a way to control our government. We can go vote in people who will help us---but our aristocracy only permits us to still have elections because they know we keep voting in the "pipe swingers". But there is something different in Europe.
After centuries of arrogant, useless aristocracy and sons-of-bitches like Hitler, they demanded a contract with their governments. They may not have the money to shop until they drop for stupid plastic crap like we do; but they demand healthcare, veterans care, elder care, education, etc. And there is something else there, too.
It's hard for me to say it as a Christian, but it is so true. They have the most magnificent cathederals, churches, art glorifying God; but today they have basically turned away from religion. Religion was one of those corrupt forces that was as brutal to them as the aristocracy and the dictators.
I just wonder where are we, the land of the 'beat over the head', headed to?? We will never have a revolution in this day and age because any discontent can be identified and removed easily. So where do we finally end up...and where do the people who wield the "lead pipe" end up???