Edited on Sat Mar-13-04 10:19 AM by BiggJawn
Maybe I heard the wrong things this week, or perhaps this really is the end, but I honestly think The American Experiment is in its twilight.
First, one of our "DU family" relates how her OB-GYN opined that breast cancer could be "God's punishment for Abortion". That was shocking. 25-plus years of school, and some guy in the sky is gonna give you a disease because he's pissed at you? Isn't that like Jerry Foul-well's "AIDS is GAWD'S wrath on Sodomites"? sounds like one of those doctors who'd come out and tell the family "She's in GOD'S hands, now..." (Fine, get back in there and help Him out)
Then I hear sound-bites from the convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. These people are still battling Bill Clinton, and he's been retired for almost 4 years now. Incredible. I heard stuff like "It's great to have a President who's concern is Public Policy instead of Personal Conduct" and "This country WAS founded on Christian Principles, you know..."... Chimpy Bush is these people's darling, because he mouths all the right words. So, The most important qualification for the office of President is the inability to get an erection?
Melissa Ann Rowland is under pain of losing her freedom in Salt Lake City because she refused a doctor's opinion that she needed a C-Section or her unborn babies were in danger. This was a doctor's ADVICE. Doctors are people mechanics, for crying out loud, when did THEY become omnipotent? I saw on Olberman's show last night that Doctors have crossed the line before, in one instance getting a court order to C-section a woman who had Cancer and "was going to die anyway, so let's save the baby"...If they had done this surgery on Rowland and the baby had died anyway, would the DOCTOR be charged with Murder? I think not.
Gay Marriage. The most popular argument seems to be that to allow gay marriage would allow people to marry their pets or farm animals, or NAMBLA members could marry their Chickens (I doubt that. Chickens grow up and become men. NAMBLA'ers don't do men) But there's no mention from the Fundy Right about such glowing examples of how to conduct a "Holy" marriage, like Britney Spears, or Liz Taylor, ot for that matter, ME.
Congress discusses raising the fines on "obscene" material on the airwaves. After losing their cool upon being told that $2700 isn't much of a deterrent, they puff themselves up and say "Oh YEAH??? Well, Mr. Smarty-pants Broadcast Owner, how much of a deterrent do you think HALF-A-MILLION DOLLARS would be? Not laughing now, are you, Smart Boy? Congress has Spoken."
But they still can't agree on what constitutes "obscene" or "Indecent". it's still up to "Community Standards"...Whatever THOSE are....
And the Election this fall. My girlfriend thinks The Chimp will win it again. By hook or crook. I think that if it looks like there is one IOTA of a chance that Rove will be defeated, first, they will haul out Osama-Bin-Forgotten (live or dead, I won't speculate)on Halowe'en. If this doesn't push the Chimp numbers into the Iopnosphere, Then we will have some kind of LIHOP/MIHOP event that will bring about the prophecy of General Tommy "I directed the Afghan War from a Florida Country Club" Franks as elucidated in "Stogy Suckah Monthly" that the Murkan Sheeple will BEG to have Martial Law enacted upon them.....And Bush will go on the air from AF-1 (as he flits from rabbit-hole to spider-hole) and intone "Mah fella Murkans, the unthinkable has happened. Agin, we-uns have bin hit at home. Ah am, in th' intrest of National Security, suspendin' th' Elections until further notice. Oh, I almost forget, Go Shopping, an' Gawd bless Murka..."
And thus the Wish of Bush, "This'd be easier if I was a Dictator" will come to pass.
And then, with his position firmly entrenched, because, even though we can't see nekkid titties or hear "The EFF Word" on our Tee-Vees, we will still have "Reality Tee-Vee" and greasy snack food to keep us in line ("Bread and Circuses", anyone?) Everything you ever saw on the PNAC website will come to pass. Our young men will get their "Greetings!" letters, Sadam's weapons will be found in Syria, OBL will somehow magically re-incarnate in Iran, and the World will shun and embargo us, thus plunging our already weak economy into ruin. Young people will find that only the Army is hiring, old farts like me will starve because there is no work.
What has happened to this country? Have we (collectively)lost our minds? If you made it this far, thanks.
(furkin' typos. My brain runs faster than my fingers)