..in 2000. Remember how they were successful in depicting him as flip-flopping, not knowing what to wear, letting others determine his earth tones, etc? Remember how they started out by saying Mr Gore liked to exaggerate but by the time election rolled around, they had convinced many, many voters that Al Gore was a degenerate liar.
Now, they are trying to do the same thing with John Kerry and he is absolutely right to call them on it. They are saying he is a flip-flopper who will raise everyone's taxes because he is the #1 Liberal in the US Senate. Now what direction do you think they are going? Can it get any more negative than that? Not when you know what their campaign strategy is and how they plan on convincing the people that they don't have to talk about the issues, they only have to talk about Mr Kerry's "deficiencies" - in substance and style.
It is unfortunate, but the only way to counter these type of charges is to keep them on the defensive. Kerry cannot start to answer their lies and charges. They will not permit the campaign to be about issues. That is one fact we all need to understand.