Okay, here's situation: bush has been getting some bad press for awhile now, ever since the beginning of the year, really, and the Paul O'Neill book, and the David Kay disappointment (uh, gee, er, I guess there never were WMDS...), and the flaccid State of the Union Address. Then, the AWOL scandal broke, and didn't quickly go away. And meantime, the disruption and carnage and death in Iraq continued, and the Democrats were speaking out and exercising their spines, the primary voter turnouts were STELLAR - RECORD-BREAKING, and believe me, EVERY reporter and pundit and spinner and anchor and talking head knew it - EVERY one of them, and even as Howard Dean went down, Kerry seemed to be ready to step in, and has stayed in ever since. And more and more and more and more. Newsweek magazine keeps showing bush with either down arrows or so-so arrows, and the Oscars take lots of potshots at him, too. And bush's campaign commercials come out and he stumbles badly with his first steps and the 9-11 references that the 9-11 families vocally object to (reminding at least some people out there that bush has yet to answer THEIR questions or those of the 9-11 panel), And the economy sucks and all the wierdo numbers and "Household Surveys" and other cockamamie research and think-tank crap the republi-CONS are throwing at us don't change a single thing about the unemployment crisis. SOOOOOO...
All that has swirled together in the national, what, zeitgeist? And we have reached a kind of critical mass. The media cannot help noticing. Look how fast that Kerry-has-an-affair-with-an-intern story went flat. While Limbaugh gets his own nose bloodied, and Howard Stern does his thing and everyone's reminded of the prissy bedroom-busybodies running our country. The press cannot help but notice this. Nor can they avoid the increasingly vocal Democrats and liberals and progressives like the many mayors who've now come out against the damned Marriage DISCRIMINATION amendment and publicly call it a distraction. And the press cannot help but notice this. ALL OF THIS. It is now unavoidable, as in - TOO MANY FIRES breaking out. TOO MANY HOLES IN THE DIKE NOW, that can't be ignored. And soldiers are still getting killed in Iraq, including two more just today. And here at home, NOBODY has jobs. And Lou Dobbs is now as hot as Hades on this, and HE won't shut up, either.
The press CANNOT avoid this any longer. They know something's up, and it's news, so they can't avoid it. There's just too much.
WHICH IS WHY, guys, it is now more vital and critical THAN EVER - not only to call your congresscritter about any/all of this, BUT: ANY TIME, I repeat, ANY TIME you see a CNN poll, or a CNN talkback, or "here's how to write to Joe Scarborough" or "ask Wolf Blitzer" or "we welcome your feedback" to ANY OF THESE SHOWS, DO IT! Send an email. Don't think for a second that it's just one email and it won't make a difference. If you and several hundred others - just on this board alone - send ONE of those "won't make a difference" emails, there'll be A WHOLE LOT of emails that WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Again, they will not be possible to ignore.
In addition, ANY TIME, and I repeat, ANY TIME you read an article in a link here or elsewhere, and it has the email contact info for the columnist/reporter/investigator/author, USE IT! Write to them! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, AND HOW YOU ARE ONTO THESE AWFUL PEOPLE!!!!! DO IT!!!!! EVERY letter, email and phone call makes a difference, and adds another drop of water to the pail. It only takes ONE drop of water to bring the rest of the water up to the spilling point, at which moment, it overflows. JUST ONE. THAT'S ALL IT TAKES!!!
My husband, last week, wrote to Feinstein, Boxer, and Waxman, about the Diebold crisis and BBV. He is amazed to see, now, that the issue is getting lots more press and attention on Capitol Hill and there are bills and discussions and research and other stuff coming out, and it's making LOTS of noise. He seriously believes he had a hand in helping. I agree. Perhaps his letter was the one to tip the balance. Perhaps not. But don't you want YOUR letter or email or phone call to MAYBE, just MAYBE be the one that helps tip the scale? You don't reach critical mass without a lot of little things adding up.
PLEASE!!! I know I nag insufferably about this. But I cannot stress the critical, urgent importance of this enough! We're maneuvering the bad guys into a corner, and onto the ropes. Now is NOT THE TIME TO START GETTING COMPLACENT, or to sit back and figure somebody else is gonna do the leg work. WE HAVE TO KEEP DOING IT, OURSELVES. EVERYTHING is at stake in November.