An interesting Day for Radio Addresses from Bush and Kennedy :-)
Bush said, claiming Kerry wants a $900 billion tax increase:"These tired, old policies of tax and spend and economic isolationism are a recipe for economic disaster…There's a better way to help our workers and help our economy…They want to increase federal taxes, yet punishing families and small businesses is not a job-creating strategy,…They want to build up trade walls and isolate America from the rest of the world, but economic isolationism would threaten the millions of good American jobs that depend on exports," while Bush wants to again curb regulations, curb lawyers, make tax cuts permanent and, by the way, pass a $503 million job-retraining plan (out of our $2 trillion budget) to teach workers new skills in job- growth areas.
Seems "isolationism" and "pessimists" are today’s tag lines that Bush is selling to dirty up Kerry as he hides the 2.3 million jobs in the past three years (over 1 million lost during the recovery that started 11/01).
Since Kerry wants to repeal tax cuts for people who earn more than $200,000 a year and divert the money to health care and education, and to revisit the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement that he voted for so as to add enforceable labor and environment rules and curb the flow of jobs to countries where labor costs are lower, Senator Kennedy’s response that "Bush suffers from a widening credibility gap on jobs, taxes, education, health care and the war in Iraq" seems reasonable. Indeed, Kennedy‘s response to the Bush claim that Congress and the UN had reviewed the Iraq intelligence data (provided by the US) and had also seen "a threat" was excellent: "As we now know, it was all a distraction. There was no immediate threat. No nuclear weapons. No persuasive link to al-Qaeda. But we went to war anyway…The most important decision a president ever makes is the decision on war and peace…No president who takes our country to war like that deserves to be re-elected."
But I did like the wire service headline "Bush Says Economic Critics Want to Hurt Families"