a furore has erupted in politcal circles regarding comments made by highly respected journalist and film maker ex-pat australian John Pilger. here is part of the interview
TONY JONES: On that score, let me ask you this - is it legitimate for the resistance then to target young Iraqi men queuing up to join the Iraqi police, which you describe as a sort of Gestapo?
JOHN PILGER: You know, all resistances have said if you're going to collaborate, then you are a target.
Well, of course, the killing of innocent people can't be condoned under any circumstances.
But in all resistances, it happens.
TONY JONES: It sounds, however, like you were saying these young men, about to join this Gestapo-like police force, are not innocent?
JOHN PILGER: Well, they're not...
It's nice that you call them 'these young men'.
They're among some of the most vicious creatures.
I mean, most of them will be led by people who the Americans would have slapped into Guantanamo Bay had they - if they didn't have another duty to perform for them.
The United States has singled out all of Saddam Hussein's top security and intelligence people.
He ran one of the most effective security, yes, Gestapo’s in the Middle East.
They've taken them and these people are now training 10,000, paid for by the CIA, to effectively do unto the Americans what they did under Saddam Hussein.
That's what they did in Vietnam...
TONY JONES: But are you saying that those men, outside police stations, looking to be recruited to get a job in a dire economic climate, are legitimate targets?
JOHN PILGER: No, I'm not saying they're legitimate targets but, to a resistance, they are legitimate targets, yes.
TONY JONES: Can you approve in that context the killing of American, British or Australian troops who are in the occupying forces?
JOHN PILGER: Well yes, they're legitimate targets.
the rest of the interview is here
http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2004/s1063309.htmthe Australian government has condemed Pilger through press releases etc..pilger is reflecting views I have recently read by Tariq Ali..regarding occupying forces and resistance movements..